ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parable of the Leaven

Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted to make some bread. She had some flour and water, but she knew the bread wouldn't taste very good if she didn't add something very special - yeast.

So she took a little bit of yeast and mixed it in with the flour and water. Then she waited for a while. And soon, something amazing happened.

The dough started to rise and get bigger and bigger. It was like magic! The yeast had made the dough grow and become better than it was before.

The parable of the leaven is like that story. Jesus was telling a story about how the kingdom of heaven is like that little bit of yeast. It might seem small and unimportant, but it can make a big difference. Just like how the yeast made the dough grow, God's love and grace can grow and change people for the better.

Even if we might not see the changes right away, God's love is always working in us like the yeast in the bread. So we should always try to be like that little bit of yeast - spreading God's love and grace wherever we go!