ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Parahawking is like flying in the sky with a really cool bird friend, but it's also a bit like a science experiment.

First, imagine you're flying through the air like a bird. But now imagine that you have a special friend with you - a bird of prey, like a hawk or a vulture. These birds are really good at flying and hunting in the wild, and they're also really smart.

So, parahawking is a way to fly through the skies while also learning about and helping these amazing birds. When you parahawk, you get to fly with a trained bird of prey while learning about how they fly and how they hunt in the wild.

But there's more to parahawking than just flying with cool birds. The people who run parahawking also use it to help protect these birds and their habitats. By raising awareness and funds for conservation efforts, parahawking helps make sure that these birds can continue to thrive in the wild.

Overall, parahawking is a really fun and exciting way to learn about birds of prey and to help protect them and their habitats. Plus, it's just really cool to fly through the sky with a bird friend!
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