ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parallel mesh generation

Okay, so imagine you want to draw a picture of a house, but instead of drawing it all at once, you want to draw different parts of it separately and then put it all together. That's sort of what parallel mesh generation is like.

When people want to build things like airplane parts or car engines using computers, they need a 3D model of the object they want to build. To create this 3D model, they need to divide the object into tiny little pieces called "meshes". Think of it like a puzzle where every piece is a little triangle or square.

Normally, one computer would be in charge of creating all of these tiny meshes. But parallel mesh generation uses multiple computers (like a big team) to divide up the work and make the meshes much faster.

Each little computer team can work on their own part of the object and create tiny meshes for that part. Then, when all of the teams are done, the little meshes are put together to create the final 3D model.

It's like having a bunch of friends help you build a Lego house - everyone builds their own part of the house and then you fit it all together at the end.

So, parallel mesh generation is like teamwork where everyone has their own job to do in order to create a complete 3D model.
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