ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV and seen really good athletes running or swimming really fast and jumping really high? Well, the Paralympics is kinda like that but for people who have disabilities or challenges with their body.

Just like in the regular Olympics, there are different sports that people compete in like running, swimming, basketball and more. But in the Paralympics, the athletes have different kinds of disabilities like not being able to use their legs or arms, or having trouble with their vision or hearing.

To make sure that the competition is fair and equal, there are different categories for the athletes based on their disability. For example, there is a category for people who use wheelchairs to compete in running or basketball, and another category for people who are blind or have low vision to compete in running and jumping events.

The athletes train really hard and work with coaches to get better at their sport, just like any other athlete. And they can win medals too, just like in the regular Olympics!

So the Paralympics is a special event where people with disabilities can show off their amazing skills and be celebrated for their hard work and dedication just like any other athlete.