ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parametric array

A parametric array is like having a special speaker that shoots sound in a straight line, like a laser beam. Imagine if you had a flashlight that only shone light in one direction, and you pointed it at a wall. The light would create a narrow beam of light on the wall, instead of spreading out in all directions.

A parametric array is like that, but for sound. It doesn't project sound in all directions like a traditional speaker. Instead, it sends out very focused waves of sound. This can be practical if you only want to hear sound in a specific area, without disturbing anything else nearby.

A parametric array works by using something called ultrasonic waves. This is a type of sound that is too high-pitched for humans to hear. Once the ultrasonic waves reach a certain point, they interact with the air in a way that creates audible sound waves. It's similar to how a dog whistle produces a sound that is too high-pitched for humans, but can be heard by dogs.

So imagine you're in a store, and there's a parametric array speaker set up near the TVs. Instead of playing loud music that would disturb everyone in the store, the parametric array is aimed to only send sound waves to the TVs. This way, you can still hear what's happening on the TV without being disturbed while you shop.