ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parliamentary procedure

Parliamentary procedure is like playing a game with rules that help everyone play fairly and make decisions together. Just like how we have rules when we play games like hide-and-seek or tag, there are rules for how grown-ups make decisions in big group meetings, like at work or in government meetings.

Everyone who is part of the meeting gets to speak and share their ideas, but they have to follow the rules. There is usually a leader, like a teacher or a boss, who helps the meeting run smoothly and reminds everyone of the rules. This leader is called a "chair."

The chair's job is to make sure everyone follows the rules and to keep things organized. They might say things like "You have to wait your turn to talk" or "We need to vote on this idea before we move on." These rules help everyone feel heard and make sure that important decisions are made fairly.

Some common rules of parliamentary procedure include:

- Only one person talks at a time
- The chair recognizes one person at a time to speak
- Everyone has a chance to speak before anyone speaks again
- Ideas are discussed in a specific order, called an "agenda"
- Decisions are often made by voting, with the majority winning

Parliamentary procedure can seem a little complicated at first, but it's really just a way to make sure that everyone gets a fair chance to share their ideas and that decisions are made together in a clear and organized way.