ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there kiddo! So, you know how sometimes we listen to the radio or watch TV and we hear different sounds and voices? Those sounds and voices that we can hear are called the "signal". But there are also other sounds and things that we don't really want to hear, because they are just noise and they can make it harder for us to understand what the signal is saying.

This is where the "passband" comes in. Think of it like a door with a small opening, where only the signal can pass through and the noise is blocked out. The passband is the range of frequencies that we want to allow into our system or device, like a radio or a TV. It's like a filter that only lets in the important stuff and keeps out the stuff we don't need.

So let's say we're listening to a radio station. The passband is like the specific range of frequencies that we want to hear from that station. It's like a tunnel that only lets in the specific sounds that we want, and blocks out all the other noises that might be there.

And that's it, kiddo! The passband is just a way to filter out unwanted noise and only let in the important sounds or signals. Pretty cool, huh?