ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Patent analysis

Okay, so you know how sometimes you come up with a really cool idea for a toy or a game, but you don't want anyone else to steal your idea? That's where patents come in!

A patent is like a special permission slip that the government gives you that says you have the right to be the only person who can make and sell your invention. It's kind of like a secret recipe for your favorite cookies - you don't want anyone else to know how to make them so you keep the recipe to yourself!

Now imagine that lots of other people also have their own secret recipes for their inventions. A patent analysis is like looking at all of these different recipes and figuring out how they're similar or different. We want to see if anyone else has made something similar to your invention before you, and we also want to see if your invention is different enough from other inventions so that you can get your own unique patent.

When we do a patent analysis, we look at things like the description of your invention, any drawings or pictures you've included, and any other patents that might be similar to yours. We want to make sure that your invention is new and special, and that it deserves its own permission slip to protect it from being copied by anyone else.

So in simple terms, patent analysis is like checking if your invention is unique and special enough to get its own special permission slip from the government!