ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Patent family

Imagine you and your friends were all working on coloring pictures. Each of your friends is drawing a similar picture, but each picture has a few differences. The teachers come by and say that whoever finishes first and has the most unique picture will get a special prize. This is similar to how a patent family works.

A patent family is a group of patents that are related to each other in some way. Like your friends' pictures, each patent in a family has a little something different. These differences can be things like the inventor, the title, or the focus of the invention. Just like how each of your friends' pictures were unique in their own way.

The reason why patents are grouped into families is to protect the invention from others who may try to copy it. If someone creates something similar to your invention, but their invention is missing a few important things, then they can't get a patent. This is because your invention already has a patent family protecting its unique features.

So, just like how your coloring pictures were unique in their own way, each patent within a family is unique as well. And just like how you and your friends were protected from others stealing your pictures, patents in a family are protected from being copied by others outside of the family.