ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Patronage (transportation)

So imagine you really like going to the store that's a little far from your home, but you don't have a car to get there. One day, somebody offers to give you a ride to that store every time you want to go there. You become their patron - because they provide you with transportation to the store.

In a similar way, patronage in transportation means that somebody is providing you with transportation services in exchange for your loyalty as a customer. Maybe you always take the same bus or train line to get to work or school because you know it's reliable and comfortable. Or maybe you use a ride-sharing app like Uber or Lyft and always prefer to get picked up by the same driver because they know your favorite music and always have a cool water bottle waiting for you.

Patronage is important in transportation because people rely on it to get to where they need to go safely and efficiently. And transportation providers rely on it to keep their businesses running and profitable. So, whenever you choose a certain mode of transportation or a particular provider over others, remember that you are practicing patronage - and that can make all the difference!