ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, pawang is a word that comes from Indonesia and refers to someone who is skilled at communicating with animals. It's kind of like when you talk to your pets and they might meow or bark back at you. But a pawang can actually understand what the animals are saying and can talk to them in their own language.

The pawang can use this skill to help people who have problems with their animals. For example, if someone's cow is sick and won't eat, the pawang can talk to the cow and find out why it's not feeling well. Then, the pawang can give advice to the owner on how to help their cow get better.

Pawangs also have other skills like using plants and herbs to make medicine to help animals, and performing rituals to help keep animals and their owners safe.

Overall, a pawang is like a special animal communicator who can help people take better care of their animals.
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