ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Animism in Malaysia

Well kiddo, animism is a belief system that believes that everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, has a spirit. Everything from animals to plants to rocks and even things like buildings and cars have a spirit that guides them. It's kind of like how you have a voice inside your head that tells you what to do, except in animism, it's the spirit guiding things.

In Malaysia, animism has been around for a very long time, even before other religions like Islam, Christianity or Buddhism came along. The spirits that the Malaysians believe in are called "hantu" which means "ghost" or "spirit". Each hantu is believed to have a unique character, some are friendly and helpful, while others are mischievous and can cause harm if they aren't appeased properly.

The Malaysians believe that if they don't show respect to the hantu, something bad could happen. For example, if they cut down a tree without asking permission from the tree's spirit, the spirit might get upset and cause harm to the person who cut it down. To avoid this, the Malaysians perform rituals and offerings to appease the hantu and show respect.

Even though many Malaysians now follow other religions like Islam, animism is still a big part of their culture and beliefs. Some even practice a mix of animism and other religions, which is called syncretism. So, there you have it, animism in Malaysia is a belief system that believes everything has a spirit and it's important to show respect to those spirits to avoid bad things from happening.