ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Satsana Phi

SatSana Phi is a term that refers to a specific type of meditation that is popular among people who practice Buddhism in Thailand. When people meditate, they usually sit quietly and focus on their breath or on certain phrases, or mantras, to help them stay present in the moment and calm their minds.

SatSana Phi is a little different because it also involves focusing on body sensations. This means paying attention to how your body feels and where you feel, for example, tension or discomfort. When you notice these sensations, you try to acknowledge them, accept them, and let them go without getting too attached to them. This can help you become more aware of your body and your emotions, and can also help you get more comfortable with discomfort and pain.

In SatSana Phi, people often meditate with their eyes closed, but they can also keep their eyes open and focus on an object in front of them, such as a candle or a picture. Some people also like to chant or recite prayers during their meditation.

Overall, SatSana Phi is a way to help people develop mindfulness, self-awareness, and inner calmness, by focusing on their breath, mantras, body sensations, and other aspects of their experience. It can be a helpful practice for anyone looking to reduce stress and increase their sense of wellbeing.