ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pearl River (China)

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a river? It's like a big long stream of water that flows through the land. Well, there is a very special river in China called Pearl River. It got its name because there are a lot of pearls found in it.

Now, imagine that this river is like a snake that goes through the whole land. It starts in the mountains in the south of China, and then goes all the way through big cities like Guangzhou and Hong Kong until it reaches the open sea.

A lot of people live near the Pearl River, and they use it for many things. They fish in it, sail boats on it, and even use it to transport goods. Sometimes, when it rains a lot, the river can get very full and causes floods. That's why the government built big walls to prevent it from happening.

So, Pearl River is a very special river in China that has pearls, runs through big cities, and helps people with their daily lives – as long as it doesn't flood!