ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pedagogical patterns

Pedagogical patterns, or teaching patterns, are like building blocks or a recipe for how to teach something in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Just like how you follow a recipe to bake a cake, teachers use pedagogical patterns to plan and deliver their lessons.

For example, if a teacher wants to teach about fractions, they might use a pedagogical pattern called "hands-on exploration." This means that the teacher will have the students use manipulatives, like blocks or fraction bars, to physically divide objects and understand the concept of fractions in a more tangible way.

Another example of a pedagogical pattern is "think-pair-share." This pattern involves the teacher posing a question or prompt, having students think about it independently, then pairing up with a classmate to discuss their ideas, and finally sharing their thoughts with the whole class. This pattern promotes active participation and peer learning.

Pedagogical patterns are important because they help teachers create engaging and effective instruction that meets the needs of diverse learners. By using these patterns, teachers can structure their teaching in a way that is easy to understand and encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.
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