ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pedrail wheel

A pedrail wheel is like a super cool wheel that looks like a caterpillar. It's made up of little rubber feet that move around on a big wheel. These rubber feet help the wheel move around really well on all kinds of surfaces, like grass, rocks, and mud. Imagine you have a toy car with big feet instead of wheels, that's what a pedrail wheel looks like!

Pedrail wheels are often used on vehicles that need to travel off-road or in really rough terrain. This is because they have a lot of grip on the ground, and they can move over obstacles like rocks and logs without getting stuck. It's like having really big and strong feet that can climb over anything!

So, if you're ever on a bumpy ride in a cool vehicle that has a pedrail wheel, you should know that it's because of those little rubber feet that move around on a big wheel. They help the vehicle move over all sorts of obstacles, and make it an awesome ride!