ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pen pal

Do you know what a friend is? Well, a pen pal is like a friend you can write letters to and they write back. You can have a pen pal who lives in a different country or even in a different state.

So, let's say you want to have a pen pal who lives in England. You would start by sending them a letter in the mail, telling them a bit about yourself and asking questions about them. They will get your letter and write back with answers to your questions and ask questions of their own. Then you write another letter, and they'll write back again, and so on!

It's like having a long-distance friendship but through letters. You can talk about things you like, things you do, things you learn, and ask questions about things you want to know. It's a fun way to learn about different cultures and make new friends.
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