ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Flat Stanley Project

The Flat Stanley Project is a fun way for kids to learn about geography and culture by sending a paper cut-out character named Flat Stanley.

Stanley is a boy who got squished by a bulletin board and became flat. Because he is so thin, he can be easily mailed to anyone across the world. Once Stanley arrives at his destination, he can experience new places and cultures, and send back photos and stories to his home school.

To participate in the project, kids make their own Flat Stanley by cutting out a paper version of him and coloring him in. Then, they mail Stanley to a friend or family member who lives far away.

The person who receives Stanley takes him on their adventures and takes photos of him in different places. They can even dress Stanley up in local clothing or take him to famous landmarks. Then, they send back the photos and stories to the child's school.

By participating in the Flat Stanley Project, kids can learn about different cities, states, countries, and cultures. They can compare and contrast how life is different in other parts of the world.

Overall, the Flat Stanley Project is a fun and educational way for kids to learn about geography and culture while sharing a common activity with friends and family across the world.