ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pen-down strike

So imagine there's a group of people who do a really important job, like writing stories in a big newspaper or making computer programs. They work really hard and sometimes they have to stay up late to finish their work.

But sometimes the people who run the company they work for don't treat them very nicely. Maybe they don't pay them enough money or they make them work too much without giving them a break.

When the workers get really upset about how they're being treated, they might do something called a pen-down strike. This means they all stop working at the same time and they don't pick up their pens or keyboards to write or program anymore.

It's like a big game of freeze tag, but instead of being frozen they're just not allowed to write or program anything. And they do this to show their bosses that they're not happy with how they're being treated and they want things to change.

Sometimes the pen-down strike might last for a little while, like a few hours or a day, and sometimes it might go on for longer. It all depends on whether the bosses agree with the workers' demands and try to make things better.

But the most important thing is that the workers all stick together and don't write or program anything until they get the respect and fair treatment they deserve.
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