ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pentagon military analyst program

Okay kiddo, so sometimes the government wants to know things that are happening in other countries or places around the world. They have people who work for them who are really good at figuring out what's going on in these other places, and they're called analysts.

Now, there's a special group of analysts who work for the Pentagon, which is a big building where the military works. These analysts look at things like how other countries are building weapons, what their plans might be, and how they might be a threat to the United States.

The program is called the Pentagon Military Analyst Program or PMAP for short. It's a way for the government to work with these analysts to get information about what's happening in other parts of the world, so they can make decisions about how to keep our country safe.

It's kind of like playing detective, but instead of solving a mystery, they're figuring out what other countries are doing and what they might do next. It's an important job, and these analysts have to be really smart and know a lot of information about a lot of different things.