ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pepper v. Hart

Okay, so "Pepper v. Hart" is like when two people go to court because they can't agree on something. In this case, it was about what a certain law means. Just like how parents might disagree on how to interpret a rule at home, like when it's time for bed or how much candy you can have.

So Pepper and Hart were two people who disagreed on what a law in Arizona meant. Pepper said one thing, and Hart said another thing. The law was about how public schools could use tax money. Pepper thought the law meant one thing, but Hart thought it meant something different.

To figure out who was right, they went to court. A judge had to decide which person was correct in what they thought the law meant. Just like when a teacher might have to decide who's right in an argument in the classroom.

The judge in the case decided that Hart was right about what the law meant. And this decision became important because it meant that now, when people in Arizona have arguments about the same law, they have to follow what this judge said the law means. It's like a rulebook that everyone has to follow. That's what "Pepper v. Hart" is all about!