ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Persecution of Assyrians by the Islamic State

Okay kiddo, so there are some people in a place called the Middle East who believe in a religion called Islam. They like to follow their religion in a certain way and they think that anyone who doesn't follow their religion exactly like they do is wrong.

Now, there are other people in the Middle East who believe in a different religion called Christianity. One group of these people are called Assyrians. These Assyrians live in a place called Iraq, which is a country in the Middle East.

The problem is, the people who follow Islam don't like the Assyrians because they don't follow Islam. They think that the Assyrians should follow Islam just like them, but the Assyrians don't want to.

So, the people who follow Islam started doing really mean things to the Assyrians. They started attacking them, burning down their homes, and taking away their belongings. They did this because they don't like the Assyrians and want them to leave or follow their religion.

This group of people who follow Islam that are being really mean are called the Islamic State. They are so mean to the Assyrians that many of them had to leave their homes and find a new place to live. Some even got hurt or killed.

So, the Assyrians are being persecuted, which means they are being treated really badly, just because they believe in a different religion than the people who follow Islam. It's not fair, and it's really sad.