ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Persecution of Christians in the New Testament

So, there was this man named Jesus who taught people to be kind and love one another. Some people didn't like him because he talked about things they didn't believe in, like miracles and helping others.

After Jesus died, his followers continued to spread his teachings. But some people in power didn't like this because it went against their own beliefs and ideas. So, they started to hurt and punish the Christians, just for believing what Jesus taught.

They would arrest them, throw them in jail, and even kill them. It was kind of like bullying, but on a really big scale. The Christians were scared and didn't know what to do.

But even though they were being hurt, the Christians didn't give up on their beliefs. They continued to spread Jesus' message of love and kindness, even though it was hard and dangerous.

Finally, over time, more and more people started to listen to and accept the Christian teachings. It was still difficult, but things started to get better for them.

Nowadays, people around the world still face persecution for their beliefs, but we can learn from the Christians in the New Testament and continue to stand up for what we believe in, no matter how hard it may be.