ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Personal trainer

A personal trainer is like a grown-up teacher who helps people learn how to get stronger and healthier. They teach you exercises to make your muscles grow and make you feel better. They also help you make a plan for eating healthy food so you can have more energy and feel good inside.

Think of a personal trainer like a coach for your body. Just like how a coach helps you learn how to play sports like soccer or basketball, a personal trainer helps you learn how to exercise and take care of your body.

They might give you special exercises to do that are just for you, or they might show you how to use exercise equipment at a gym. They can also make sure you are doing the exercises safely so that you don't hurt yourself.

So, if you want to get stronger and feel better, you can go to a personal trainer for help! They'll create a plan just for you, and help you achieve your goals one step at a time.