ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Perspective correction lens

Okay kiddo, so have you ever drawn a picture of a building or a road and noticed that it looks kind of wonky or leaned over? That's because of something called perspective.

Perspective is how we see things when they are far away or close up. When things are far away, they look smaller, and when they are closer, they look bigger. This can make things look like they are leaning or slanting in a picture.

Now, a perspective correction lens is like a special tool that helps fix those wonky looking pictures. It's a type of camera lens that can help straighten out the lines of a building or road in a picture so they look like they are standing up straight.

It's kind of like a pair of glasses for a camera. Just like how glasses help someone see more clearly, a perspective correction lens helps the camera see things more clearly and accurately.

So, when a photographer wants to take a picture of a building or anything with straight lines, they might use a perspective correction lens to make sure everything looks nice and straight in the picture. It’s like magic!