ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Peruvian Americans

Alright kiddo, let's talk about Peruvian Americans!

So, you know how some people are born in one country but later move to another country to live there? Well, Peruvian Americans are people who were born in Peru, which is a country in South America, but now live in the United States of America.

Peruvian Americans are a group of people who have a lot of different backgrounds. Some of them might speak Spanish, which is a language that is very similar to English but has some different words and sounds. Some Peruvian Americans might also speak Quechua, which is a language that was spoken by the ancient Incas who used to live in Peru a long time ago!

Peruvian Americans might eat some different foods than what you're used to. They might eat things like ceviche, which is a dish made from raw fish that is marinated in lime juice, onions, and chilies. They might also eat things like lomo saltado, which is a stir-fry made with beef, tomatoes, onions, and french fries! It may sound a bit weird but it's actually really good!

Peruvian Americans might also celebrate different holidays than what you're used to. They might celebrate things like Inti Raymi, which is a festival that celebrates the sun and the beginning of a new year in the Inca calendar. They might also celebrate things like Fiestas Patrias, which is a celebration of Peruvian independence!

So, basically, Peruvian Americans are people who were born in a cool country called Peru but now live in the United States. They might speak different languages, eat different foods, and celebrate different holidays, but they're just like any other Americans - with their own unique stories and backgrounds!