Alright kiddo, today we are going to talk about something called pesticides in Canada. Pesticides are chemicals that farmers and gardeners use to protect their crops from bugs and other pests that can harm them. But these chemicals can also harm people or animals if they get into our bodies or the environment, so the government in Canada has rules to make sure people use pesticides safely.
First, there are different kinds of pesticides, some are more dangerous than others. The government has a list of approved pesticides for use in Canada, and each one is ranked based on how risky it is for people and the environment. The higher the risk, the stricter the rules around using it.
Second, before a pesticide can be used in Canada, it has to be tested to make sure it's safe. Scientists study how the pesticide works, how much of it is needed, and how it breaks down over time. Then they use that information to decide how much can be used, where it can be used, and how often it can be used.
Third, farmers and gardeners who use pesticides have to follow rules to make sure they are using them safely. For example, they have to wear protective clothing and masks, store the pesticides in a locked building or cabinet, and make sure they don't spray them near water or areas where people might be. They also have to take courses and get licenses to prove they know how to use pesticides safely.
Finally, the government in Canada keeps an eye on how much pesticides are being used and where they are being used. They also test fruits and vegetables to make sure they don’t have too much pesticide residue, which means they would be dangerous to eat.
So there you have it, pesticides in Canada are chemicals that are used to protect crops but can be harmful if not used safely. The government has rules to make sure they are used safely and keeps an eye on how they are being used.