ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Pharmacodynamics is kind of like what happens when you eat candy.

When you eat candy, it goes into your body and makes you feel a certain way. Maybe you feel really happy, or maybe you feel really hyper and energetic.

When grown-ups take medicines, it works kind of the same way. The medicine goes into their body and makes them feel a certain way, but instead of making them feel happy or hyper, it either makes them better if they are sick or helps them stay healthy if they already are.

So, pharmacodynamics is basically the science of how medicines work in the body, what they do, and how they do it. It helps doctors understand how different medicines affect different parts of the body, and how much of a medicine someone needs to take to have the best effect.

Just like how you might need to eat a certain amount of candy to feel a certain way, grown-ups need to take a certain amount of medicine to feel better or stay healthy. And pharmacodynamics helps them figure out exactly how much they need to take.