ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Phase transitions

Phase transitions are like changing clothes. Just like you have different clothes for different occasions, matter also changes its appearance depending on the condition it is in.

Imagine a solid piece of ice. It has a particular shape and size, and you can hold it and touch it. But when you put it in hot water, it begins to melt and becomes a liquid. This is a phase transition - the ice went from being a solid to a liquid because of the change in temperature.

Another example is boiling water. When water is heated, it goes from being a liquid to a gas. This is another phase transition. The water molecules are moving around really fast and escaping into the air as steam.

Phase transitions can happen in other materials too, like metals. When a metal is heated, it can go through a phase transition and become a different form, like from a solid to a liquid.

So, in simple terms, phase transitions are like putting on a new outfit - matter changes its appearance and behavior in response to changes in temperature or pressure.