ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Physical punishment

Okay kiddo, physical punishment is when someone hurts another person as a way to try to teach them a lesson or make them behave better. This can include things like spanking, hitting, or slapping.

Now, sometimes grown-ups might think that using physical punishment is a good way to make kids behave better, but actually it can be harmful and not very effective.

When someone hits or hurts another person, it can make them feel scared, upset, or even pain. This can make the person being punished start to feel like they're not safe around the person doing the punishing, and they might not even learn what they're supposed to do differently in the future.

It's important for grown-ups to find other ways to teach kids how to behave well, like talking to them calmly, using positive reinforcement, and setting clear boundaries and consequences. That way, kids can learn and grow in a safe and healthy environment.