ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Campaigns against corporal punishment

Hello! Do you know what corporal punishment means? It's when someone, like a parent or teacher, hits or spanks a child as a punishment for something they did wrong.

Now, some people don't think this is the right way to discipline a child. They think it's not fair, it can be really hurtful and it can make kids scared of the people who are supposed to care for them.

So, these people come together to start campaigns against corporal punishment. That means they try to convince everyone that hitting children is not a good thing to do. They talk to parents, teachers, and even lawmakers to try to get them to change the rules so that hitting kids is not allowed.

They also try to teach people other ways to discipline children, like talking to them, taking away privileges, or having them do something helpful instead of being punished.

Overall, the people who campaign against corporal punishment want everyone to understand that children should be treated with kindness, respect, and love, instead of being hit or hurt.