ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pine Tree Riot

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of pine trees before? They’re really tall trees with needles instead of leaves. Well, a long time ago, in the year 1772, there was something called the Pine Tree Riot in New Hampshire.

You know how people can own things like toys or clothes? Well, back then, some people owned big plots of land that had pine trees on them. These pine trees were really valuable because they could be used to make things like ships, houses and furniture. The people who owned the land with these pine trees on them could make a lot of money by selling them to people who needed them.

But here’s the thing, the king of England had made a rule that only certain people could cut down these valuable trees. This rule was called the “Mast Preservation Clause”. But the people who owned the land didn’t like this rule because they wanted to be able to sell the trees to whoever they wanted. So, they would often hide in the forests at night and cut down the trees themselves.

One day, a group of men who were mad about this rule got into a big fight with some men who were enforcing the law. They broke down fences and even burned down a building! It was called the Pine Tree Riot.

Now, we don’t know if anyone got hurt during the fight, but it’s important to remember that it’s never okay to break the rules or hurt others just because you don’t like something.