ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pinkerton National Detective Agency

Pinkerton National Detective Agency was a group of very smart people who solved crimes and helped people who needed help when they were in trouble. They worked a lot like detectives in movies and TV shows, but they were real people and they did their work a long time ago, before you were born.

The Pinkerton agency was started by a man named Allan Pinkerton who was really good at finding out things and catching bad guys. He set up a group of detectives who were also very smart and could help him solve crimes. They were like secret agents who worked together to solve tough cases.

The Pinkerton detectives would go out and collect information, talk to people who knew things, and do everything they could to find out who did a bad thing. They used a lot of sneaky tricks to catch the bad guys, like pretending to be someone else or hiding out in secret places. They also had a lot of cool gadgets to help them, like binoculars and cameras.

Sometimes, the Pinkerton agency would help out businesses who were having trouble with people who were stealing or causing problems. Other times, they would help people who were being threatened or bullied. They were very brave and always wanted to do the right thing.

The Pinkerton agency became very famous for their work and many people knew who they were. Even today, people still talk about them and the things they did to help others. They were like superheroes, but instead of fighting bad guys with powers and costumes, they did it with brains and hard work.