ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pittu Garam

Pittu garam is a game that children in South Asian countries like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh play. It's similar to the game hopscotch, and it's a lot of fun to play with friends!

To play pittu garam, you need some small stones or pebbles and a flat surface to draw on. First, draw a big square on the ground with chalk or make one with sticks. Then, divide the square into four smaller squares.

The next step is to put a smaller stone inside each of the smaller squares. The stones should be different colors or shapes so that everyone can tell them apart. Then, you need to choose who goes first.

The first player throws a different stone towards the first square while standing outside the big square. Their goal is to try to hit one of the stones inside the first square. If they succeed, they have to quickly hop on one foot into the square, pick up the stone they hit, and then hop back out.

If the player makes it back out without losing their balance or touching the lines of the square, they get to move onto the next square. They then throw the stone towards the next square and repeat the same process.

If a player throws the stone incorrectly or loses their balance while playing, they lose their turn. The game continues until all the squares have been cleared.

That's it! Keep playing until you get tired, and don't forget to have fun while playing pittu garam with your friends.