ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Place des États-Unis

Place des états-unis is a big place in Paris, France. It is a special place where people can go to relax and have fun. The name of the place is French and it means "United States Square."

There are lots of things to see and do at Place des états-unis. You can walk around and look at all the buildings and trees. You can also sit on benches and watch people go by. Sometimes there are fun events happening in the square, like concerts or art shows.

But why is it called United States Square? Well, a long time ago, France and the United States became friends. To celebrate this friendship, the French people decided to create a special place in Paris to remember their relationship with America. That's why they named it Place des états-unis.

So, if you ever go to Paris, be sure to check out Place des états-unis. It's a special place with a cool name, and you might just have a really great time there!