ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plant embryogenesis

Plant embryogenesis is like when a tiny seed turns into a baby plant, also called a seedling.

You know how when you play with seeds you can see they all look different? Some are big, some are small, some are round, some are flat. That's because each seed has a little baby plant inside called an embryo. It's kind of like a little spaceship that has everything the baby plant needs to grow and survive: a root, a shoot, and little leaves.

When the seed gets water and sunlight, the embryo starts to wake up and grow. This is called germination. The first thing that happens is the root grows down into the soil to get water and nutrients. The shoot grows up towards the sunlight, carrying the baby leaves with it.

As the baby plant grows, it starts to make its own food using the energy from the sun. The leaves are like tiny factories that take in carbon dioxide from the air, sunlight, and water from the soil to make sugars that the plant can use.

Eventually, the seed coat (which is like a little jacket around the seed) falls off and the baby plant becomes a full-grown plant. And then the cycle starts all over again as the plant makes its own seeds with little embryos inside.