ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plant floor communication

Plant floor communication refers to how machines and devices talk to each other to get work done in a factory or industrial setting. Imagine you and your friends playing a game of telephone. You tell one friend a message and they pass it on to the next one, who passes it on to the next, and so on until it reaches the last friend. This is how machines talk to each other too, but instead of words, they use signals and codes.

These signals and codes are sent through wires or wireless connections so that machines can know what each other is doing and work together efficiently. For example, one machine might send a signal to another machine telling it to start a certain job, and that machine would respond with a signal saying that it has started the job.

This communication also helps machines identify problems or errors that may occur. If one machine sends a signal saying that it has detected a problem, the other machines can stop what they're doing and help fix the problem.

Overall, plant floor communication is important because it helps machines work together, save time, and operate more efficiently.