ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plaster spraying

Plaster spraying is a way to put a special substance called plaster on a wall or ceiling. The plaster is like a thick paste that can be spread over a surface to make it smooth and flat.

First, a person puts the plaster into a special machine called a sprayer. The sprayer has a hose that blows air onto the plaster to turn it into a spray. Then, the person uses the spray hose to aim the plaster at the wall or ceiling.

When the plaster hits the surface, it sticks and starts to dry. As it dries, it becomes smooth and hard so it can be sanded and painted.

Plaster spraying is helpful because it makes putting plaster on large areas faster and easier than doing it by hand. It also helps to make the wall or ceiling have a smoother and more evenly spread appearance.