ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Platoon (automobile)

A platoon of automobiles is like a group of cars or trucks that are traveling on the road, but instead of driving independently, they're connected by a wireless signal that makes them move together like a train. Imagine if your toys could magically connect and move around together in a line all by themselves, that's what a platoon of automobiles is like.

The first car in the platoon is driven by a human driver, but the rest of the cars are self-driving and follow the leader car closely. This way, the cars can save fuel by driving closer to each other and reduce traffic congestion by taking up less space on the road.

Think of it like a game of follow the leader. When the leader car turns left, all the cars behind it turn left too. When it speeds up, all the cars behind speed up too. The cars can also communicate with each other, so they can make sure they maintain a safe distance and alert each other about any changes in the road ahead.

By driving in a platoon, the cars can also avoid accidents because they're all moving together and can easily coordinate their speed and movements. It's like having a bunch of friends holding hands while crossing the street.

Platooning can also make traveling more convenient for people because they don't have to worry about navigating traffic. They can just relax and let the cars do the driving for them.