ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Play Business

Okay! So, you know how sometimes when you play with your toys, you like to pretend that you're running your own store or selling things? That's kind of like what "play business" is!

When grown-ups have real businesses, they sell things and try to make money. But when kids play business, they pretend to sell things and use pretend money instead. You can set up a little store with your toys and pretend that other kids are coming to buy them. Or you can make crafts or baked goods and pretend to sell them to your friends.

Just like in a real business, it's important to keep track of your money and to make sure you're not spending more than you're making. That means you need to decide how much your toys or crafts will cost and keep a record of each sale you make. You can even use play money or coins to make it more realistic.

Playing business is a fun way to use your imagination and creativity, and it can help you learn about money and basic economics. So go ahead and set up your own little store or start selling your toys to your friends - it's all about having fun and pretending to be a grown-up!