ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, imagine you and your friends all have different favorite toys, but you all want to play together. One of you decides to be the leader and start a game, and you all agree to follow their rules and use their toy for the game.

Now imagine that some of your friends have toys that make noise, like a drum or a kazoo. When you play together, it's important that everyone makes noise at the same time and doesn't get ahead or behind in the rhythm.

That's kind of like plesiochronous! It's a way for different electronic devices to communicate with each other and make sure they're all keeping the same rhythm, like playing the same beat on your toys.

Even though the devices might not be perfectly synchronized with each other, they can still work together as long as they stay close to the same rhythm. It's kind of like how you and your friends might not all be exactly the same height or have the same favorite toys, but you can still have fun playing together if you all agree on the rules and stay in the same rhythm.