ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pneumatic Institution

A pneumatic institution is a place where people who have trouble breathing can go to get help. Imagine blowing up a balloon - you need to use air to make it bigger, right? Well, our bodies work the same way - we need air to breathe and make our lungs bigger so we can live.

But some people have a hard time breathing and need extra help to get enough air into their lungs. That's where a pneumatic institution comes in. They have special machines called ventilators that help push air into a person's lungs, so they can breathe easier.

These machines are connected to a person's body through a tube that goes into their mouth or nose. The machine pumps air into the person's lungs, and then they breathe it out like normal. It's kind of like blowing up a balloon with a pump - the pump pushes air into the balloon and makes it bigger.

People who go to a pneumatic institution might need to stay there for a little while to get better. While they're there, doctors and nurses will check on them and make sure they're getting enough air to breathe. Eventually, they'll hopefully feel better and be able to breathe on their own again.