ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pointwise convergence

Hi there! So, let me tell you about pointwise convergence. Imagine you have a big party with lots of friends. You want to make sure everyone has a seat to sit on, so you bring in lots of chairs. Now, imagine you have a friend named Tim who is always late. Every hour, you count the number of chairs that are being used in the party, and Tim finally shows up with his own chair to sit on.

Here's the thing: over time, the number of chairs being used might be a bit different, right? Maybe at first, only 5 chairs are taken, and then after a while, 7 chairs are taken. But no matter how many chairs are being used, Tim always has his own chair to sit on. And eventually, after a really long time, you start to notice something interesting: no matter how late Tim is, he always seems to find a chair that works for him!

That's kind of like pointwise convergence. You see, when we talk about a sequence of functions (which are like the chairs), we want to know whether they "converge" to some limit function. And in pointwise convergence, we look at each point individually (like Tim finding his own chair) to see if the sequence of functions "converges" at that point.

Let's say we're looking at a sequence of functions f_1(x), f_2(x), f_3(x), ... and we want to see if they converge pointwise to some function f(x). To check this, we pick a specific value of x (like a specific point in the party room) and see what happens to the sequence of functions as n (the number of chairs/people) gets really large. If f_n(x) gets closer and closer to f(x) as n gets larger, then we say that the sequence converges pointwise to f(x).

So, just like Tim is always able to find a chair to sit on (even if the number of chairs being used changes over time), if a sequence of functions converges pointwise, then no matter what value of x we look at, the functions will eventually get closer and closer to the limit function. Cool, right?