ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pole sitting

Pole sitting is when a person sits on top of a tall pole for a long time. It's kind of like sitting on a really tall swing or a see-saw, except you don't move and you're really high up in the air. People who do pole sitting usually do it as a competition or to try to beat a record for how long they can sit up there.

So imagine a really tall flagpole, like the kind they have at schools or government buildings that have a flag flying at the top. Now imagine sitting on top of that pole with your legs dangling down. You would need to climb up the pole first, which can be very difficult and scary.

Once you're up at the top, you have to sit there without falling off. This can be hard because it's very high up and the wind can make you sway back and forth. Also, you might get tired or need to go to the bathroom, but you can't come down from the pole until you've been up there for a certain amount of time.

Sometimes people will bring food and drinks up to the top of the pole with them so they can eat and drink while they're up there. They might also have a small tent or shelter that they can sit in to protect them from the sun and wind.

Overall, pole sitting can be a very challenging and exciting activity, but it's not something that most people would want to try. It takes a lot of courage and stamina to sit on top of a tall pole for a long time, but for some people, that's just part of the thrill!