ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Police certificate

A police certificate is a special paper that says if you have done anything bad or been in trouble with the police. It is kind of like a report card, but instead of showing how good you are at school, it shows how good you are at following the rules set by the government.

When you want to travel to another country, sometimes the country you are going to will ask you to show them a police certificate. They want to make sure that you won't cause any trouble in their country.

To get a police certificate, you have to go to the police station and ask for one. They will take your fingerprints and check with their records to make sure you have not been in any trouble. If everything is clear, they will give you the certificate. If you have been in trouble before, they may not give you the certificate, or it may say that you were in trouble but now you are better.

Overall, a police certificate is an important paper that shows if you are a good person or not, and it helps other countries know that you will not cause trouble when you visit them.