ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Policy institute

Okay, so imagine you have a club with your friends where you decide what games to play, what snacks to eat, and how to share your toys. A policy institute is kind of like a club for grown-ups where they talk about bigger things like rules and laws for the whole country, not just for playing games.

These grown-ups who are part of the policy institute, are called experts. They know a lot about different topics like health, education, or the environment. They get together to think about what rules or laws the country needs to make things better for everyone.

For example, let's say they want to make sure that everyone has access to good healthcare. They might come up with a policy idea, like making sure everyone has insurance, so they can afford to go to the doctor when they need to. Then, they'll talk to important people like politicians to convince them that this policy is a good idea and should become a law.

So, a policy institute is like a special club of really smart grown-ups who come up with big ideas to make the world a better place, and then try to convince important people to make them happen.