ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Politics of Albania

Politics in Albania is all about how the people who run the country decide what to do and how to do it. Imagine if you and your friends were trying to decide what game to play and how to play it - that's kind of like politics!

In Albania, there are different political parties - groups of people who have certain ideas about how the country should be run. These parties compete with each other to get the most votes in elections, and the party with the most votes gets to run the country.

The two biggest political parties in Albania are the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party. The Socialists usually want the government to have more control over things like jobs and healthcare, while the Democrats usually want people to have more freedom to do what they want without the government getting in the way.

The leader of Albania is called the Prime Minister, and right now the Prime Minister is Edi Rama, who is in the Socialist Party. He and his party have been working to improve things like Albania's economy and infrastructure - things like roads, buildings, and other important stuff.

Of course, not everyone in Albania agrees with the Prime Minister and his party. Sometimes there are protests or disagreements between different groups, but it's important that everyone learns to get along and work together to make Albania the best it can be.