ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Politics of the Soviet Union

Okay kiddo, politics is how we make decisions about how to run a country. The Soviet Union was a big country in Europe and Asia that existed for a long time.

Now, the Soviet Union had a kind of government called communism. This meant that everyone was supposed to share everything equally, like toys in a sandbox. This idea was created by a man named Karl Marx a long time before the Soviet Union even existed.

The people who led the Soviet Union were called the Communist Party. They were like the bosses and everyone else had to listen to them. The leader of the Communist Party was called the Premier.

The Premier had a lot of power and could make decisions about everything, like what people could buy from the store, where they could go to school, and what jobs they could have. This was called a planned economy.

But not everyone liked this way of doing things. Some people wanted more freedom and a chance to make their own choices. They started to speak out and the Premier didn't like that one bit. He and his followers didn't want anyone to question their authority.

So, they made some very harsh laws and punished people who spoke out against them. They also controlled what people read, watched on TV, and even what music they could listen to. They didn't want anyone to have ideas that were different from their own.

This went on for a long time until some people finally stood up to the Premier and the Communist Party. They wanted change and they wanted more freedom. Eventually, the Soviet Union fell apart and many of the countries that were once part of it became independent.

So, politics in the Soviet Union was all about controlling people and making sure everyone followed the same rules. It was a very strict way of governing, but many people didn't like it and wanted something different.