ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Polynesian Voyaging Society

Once upon a time, a long long time ago, people from Polynesia, which is a place with lots of islands in the middle of the big big ocean, wanted to explore and find new lands. But they didn't have big ships like we have today, so they built these special boats called canoes which were made out of big trees called koa and wiliwili.

Now these canoes were very very special because they didn't have any maps or GPS like we have now, so the people who sailed them needed to be very very smart and use the stars to help them find their way. They were called the Polynesian Voyaging Society and they would sail these special canoes called wa'a around the ocean and find new lands to explore.

Now the Polynesian Voyaging Society did not just sail around for fun, they also wanted to learn new things and teach others about their culture and traditions. When they would dock their canoes on a new island, they would share their knowledge and learn new things from the people who lived there.

These canoes had a special name called Hokulea, which means "star of gladness". This was because they used the stars to navigate and find their way, and when they would come back home after a long journey, everyone was very happy and glad to see them.

So the Polynesian Voyaging Society and their canoes were very important because they helped people explore the world and learn new things. They showed that we don't need fancy technology to travel and discover new places, we just need to be smart and use what we have around us.