ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Polynomial Wigner–Ville distribution

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution is.

Imagine you have a song you really like and you want to see how the different sounds in the song change over time. One way to do this is by using a special tool called a Wigner-Ville distribution. It takes the song and shows you how the different frequencies (or sounds) in the music change over time.

But sometimes, the Wigner-Ville distribution can be a little hard to read because there are too many lines and it gets really messy. That's where the polynomial part comes in.

The polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution is like a cleaner and easier version of the regular one. It's like putting a filter on your photo to make it look better. The polynomial method uses a math trick to simplify the lines on the Wigner-Ville distribution and make it easier to see the different sounds in the music over time.

So, if you ever want to study the different sounds in a song or any other sound, the polynomial Wigner-Ville distribution is a really helpful tool to use.